NGA 차세대애드보켓즈 청소년 재단

May 13, 2023
첫 개최 한인 비영리단체 엑스포 성황 - ‘2023넥스트젠엑스포’- 24개단체·350여명참여- “함께성장하는발판제공”
The "2023 NextGen Expo," a showcasing event for small Korean non-profit organizations and student groups, as well as the first introduction of Korean non-profits in the town, was successfully held on the 13th of last month.
The event took place at Korea Town Plaza (KTP), attracting a total of around 350 attendees including representatives from non-profit organizations and student groups, sponsors, and visitors.
Twenty-four organizations participated in the event, including the Korean American Federation of Los Angeles, the Korean Women’s International Network (KOWIN) LA chapter, the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the Christian Korean Medical Association, and the Southern California Chungcheong Alumni Association. Each organization operated a booth and had the opportunity to present on stage.
During the approximately three-hour event from 11 AM to 2 PM, the stage featured various performances, including ballet and Korean dance by the Korean American Dance Association and a Taekwondo demonstration by the Downtown Magnet High School Taekwondo Club, which were well-received by attendees.
Group introduction videos, produced by students who handled filming and editing themselves, were screened, and representatives also had the chance to give speeches on stage. Additionally, free services such as the 'Advance Medical Directive' service by KOWIN LA and pulse diagnosis by the Christian Korean Medical Association were provided at the booths.
Helen Kim, the representative of NextGen Advocates (NGA) and the event's MC, stated, “This event was organized to introduce small non-profit and student groups, as well as foundations that are not yet well-known. Our goal is to help these organizations gain recognition in the Korean community and provide a platform for mutual information exchange and growth.”
The NextGen Expo was created to give these lesser-known organizations the opportunity to participate in significant events and receive grants, which can be crucial for their future prospects. Kim added that future plans include creating opportunities for these community organizations to share ideas, expand their influence, and meet with sponsors and supporters to foster their growth.
The NextGen Expo also plans to award scholarships to outstanding student groups that presented at the event.
소규모한인비영리단체와학생단체의쇼케이싱(showcasing)행사이자타운내첫한인비영리단체소개행사인‘2023넥스트젠엑스포’가지난13일성황리에 개최됐다.
LA한인회,세계한민족여성네트워크(KOWIN)LA지회,CAP(CivilAirPatrol),기독교한의사협회,남가주충청향우회등단체24곳이행사에참여한가운데각단 체는부스를운영하고무대에나서단체를소개하는시간을가졌다.
오전11시부터2시까지약3시간동안진행된이날행사의무대에서는한미무용연합회의발레및한국무용공연,다운타운마그넷고등학교태권도클럽의태권 도시범등다양한공연도펼쳐져참석자들로부터호평을받았다.
또한부스에서는KOWINLA지회의‘사전의료의향서’작성서비스,기독교한의사협회의진맥서비스등무료이벤트도이뤄졌다. 행사를주관한차세대애드보켓스(NGA)의대표이자이번행사의사회를맡은헬렌김대표는“소규모비영리단체,학생단체,재단등아직이름을알리지못한단 체들을함께소개하기위해마련한자리”라며“이들을한인사회에알리고서로정보를교환하면서함께성장하는발판을제공하는것이목표”라고말했다.
일부소규모비영리단체의경우규모가큰행사에참여하거나그랜트를수령하기위해선행사참여업적이중요한데아직이름이알려지지못해그럴기회가없 는이들을위한자리를직접만들었다는것이이번넥스트젠엑스포가열리게된계기다.
여러한인사회단체들이만나영향력을키울수있는아이디어를공유하고,성장을지원하기위한후원자및후원단체와의만남의자리도함께여는것이앞으로 의계획이라고김대표는덧붙였다.
우훈식 기자 woo.hoonsik@koreadaily.com